This position statement attempts to define the stance of PSLS when it comes to unlicensed practitioners offering and performing positioning and mapping services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This position statement was widely circulated within the GIS community in Pennsylvania and a panel session was held at the Northwest Pennsylvania GIS Conference on October 16th to discuss it. The PSLS Geospatial Committee believes the statement and the panel session are stepping stones leading the surveying and geospatial communities to common ground where we can work together for the benefit of everyone utilizing geospatial data and technologies in Pennsylvania.

In late 2014 the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors was advised of an issue involving Township and Municipal ordinances which affect the practice of surveying. As the only professional association in the state representing Land Surveyors we feel that it is our responsibility to convey the correct information to the officers and principals of Pennsylvania’s many boroughs and townships. Our concerns are centered on proposed amendments associated with Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances, particularly those portions which pertain to property monuments and markers.
While we applaud the efforts of municipalities to ensure that a Professional Land Surveyor sets proper monuments and markers, we must caution against establishing new monuments or markers where an existing monument or marker exists. The Position Statement found below was written to give guidance to non-surveyors on the proper preservation of existing monumentation, as well as provide guidance to professional surveyors regarding the ordinances that may conflict with legal requirements and standard practices of boundary monuments and markers.

2021 starts a new political session in Pennsylvania. This means new faces, new committee leadership, and new people to educate about the importance of preserving the profession. As you know, recent court decisions have raised questions about what is covered under Act 367. In 2016, PSLS, in partnership with PSPE and PCPG, crafted an amendment to the Registration Law to more clearly define the scope of professional practice protected by the law. Unfortunately, HB 1704 did not make it to the Governor’s office before the session ended. It is now HB 609 for 2021.
2021 is our year! We need to be ready. We have the facts, we have the lobbyists, and we have the language. What we need is the attention of the legislators. How do we get that? In one word… PAC.
A Political Action Committee is the way to get attention in politics. Professional Licensed Surveyors make up about .002% of Pennsylvania’s 12.8 million people. In order to be heard above the crowd, we need to work harder. We need personal contact with legislators. We need money.
Did you know?
A simple breakfast fundraiser costs about $500 per person to attend.
Lunch with a politician can cost anywhere for $500 to $1500
Dinners can go up to $5000 per person, depending on the position of the politician.
PAC donations can be cash or personal check. If each Licensed PSLS member donated $20, we would have $12,000 for contributions. Enough to send our lobbyist and a PSLS representative to an event for each committee member we need to educate.
As the only association in the state protecting the rights of the profession, PSLS has a tough job. The current problems with the law are not the first, nor will they be the last. We need your help. To protect the profession of Land Surveying, to ensure the safety and well-being of the public, and to preserve intent of the Registration Law.
How to Donate:
Due to the restriction of the law, all PAC donations must be either cash or personal check. Donations over $100 must be check. No corporate checks are acceptable. Checks can be sent to PSLS PAC, 10340 Democracy Lane, Suite 300 Fairfax, VA 22030