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2025 Surveyors' Conference Handouts

*Note: Not all sessions have handouts or a copy of the presentation. It is up to the presenter on if they provide any.

101: The Report of Survey - A Narrative Approach

102: Deed and Plan Research – When is Enough Enough?

103: Documentation of Boundary Evidence

104: Art of Boundary Line Determination

105: ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys and The Complementary Nature of Title Reports

106: Legal Description v. Boundary Description; Why Attorneys Should Not Prepare Boundary Descriptions!  

203: Effective Project Management for Surveyors and Design Professionals

205: Surveyor Communications

303: Optimizing Field Data Collection Combining GNSS and Total Station Data Using Carlson Software

304: From Drone…To Field… To Finish… with Carlson Software

401: Bridge & Structural Surveys

404: FEMA Elevation Certificates

405: Floodplain Analysis to Establish Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for a Zone A Stream

503: Presidential Surveyors:  The Surveying Work of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln

504: Monumental Surveyors: Surveying for Monumental Carvings at Stone Mountain, Mount Rushmore, & Crazy Horse 

506: Riparian Boundaries

601: Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law 

604: Overview of the Standards of Practice for Professional Land Surveyors in Pennsylvania

606: Ethics for the Geomatics Professional

705: Ouch!  Basic First Aid and Trauma Care for the Land Surveyor

706: The Practical and Legal Aspects of Property Access (Right of Entry) for Surveyors in PA

707: Pennsylvania Gun Laws

804: CURSES?! #%&; No. Cursive. 

​808 & 809: GIS for Surveyors (Parts 1 & 2)



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